Watch Now: Taylor Swift Fans Go Wild Over Controversial ‘Eras’ Film Review

Taylor Swift’s latest film, ‘Eras,’ has sparked quite the controversy after a scathing review from critic Armond White of the National Review. White’s critique, which has since gone viral, has drawn attention for its over-the-top nature and dramatic claims.

In his analysis, White dives deep into the sociological implications of Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ flick. He raises eyebrows with his headline and subheading, labeling the movie as “Taylor Swift’s Asylum Seekers … A movie concert promotes post-Madonna, post-Obama mind control.”

One of the most ridiculed excerpts from White’s review states, “The Swift circus doesn’t replace the thrill of originality and profundity that accompanied the advent of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Supremes, the Jackson Five, which Gen Z knows nothing about. Instead, Swift specializes in degraded girl-pop — teenage solipsism, the silliness that kids will ideally outgrow. Yet her songs corrupt puppy love into jejune sophistication.”

White goes even further by likening the film’s director, Sam Wrench, to Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl. He suggests that Wrench enhances Taylor’s concerts in a way that distorts reality, similar to how Riefenstahl glorified Hitler in her films.

Perhaps the most shocking comparison made by White is between Swifties innocently dancing in theaters and the infamous mass shooter James Holmes. White draws a parallel between the two, insinuating a connection by stating, “The teens in TikTok clips who pitifully bounce and sing along with the film’s pre-recorded concert are the flip side of those nerds and sociopaths who lined up for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ in Aurora, Colo.”

Unsurprisingly, Twitter users have lambasted White for his extreme views on a simple concert film. The general consensus is that his hyperbole is unwarranted and out of touch with reality.

White concludes his scathing review by suggesting that the young fans of Taylor Swift are somehow primed for totalitarianism, stating, “These kids seem ready for a leader, anxious for totalitarianism. It will take a counterrevolution to repair Swift’s moral, aesthetic, and political damage.”

It’s worth noting that White’s opinion stands in stark contrast to the overwhelming praise that ‘Eras’ has received from other film critics. The movie is on track to dominate the box office once again this weekend, further proving its appeal to audiences.

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