Ex-Model Files Lawsuit Accusing Rock Star Axl Rose of Sexual Assault and Battery

Breaking News from the Music Nation 365 Network:

A shocking accusation has rocked the music world as Guns N’ Roses frontman, Axl Rose, has been accused of sexual assault and battery by former model Sheila Kennedy. The lawsuit, filed in New York, alleges that Rose violently abused Kennedy in a hotel room back in 1989. However, Rose vehemently denies these accusations, with his attorney stating that the incident never occurred.

In the court documents, Kennedy claims that she met Rose in a nightclub where he invited her back to his hotel room. There, she alleges that Rose plied his guests with drugs and alcohol. The ex-model recounts a disturbing scene where she witnessed Rose having aggressive sex with another woman, followed by a violent outburst towards the model.

The lawsuit further details how Rose allegedly pushed Kennedy to the floor, dragged her to his bedroom, tied her hands behind her back, and forcibly penetrated her. Kennedy describes feeling trapped and overpowered, believing that she had no escape from Rose’s aggressive actions.

As a result of the alleged incident, Kennedy claims to have suffered lifelong emotional, physical, and psychological impacts, along with PTSD-like symptoms. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and gender-motivated violence.

Kennedy’s attorney, Dr. Ann Olivarius, highlighted the importance of survivors coming forward to speak out against a culture of violence and sexual misconduct in the music industry. The lawsuit filed under New York’s Adult Survivors Act aims to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions and provide a platform for survivors to seek justice.

This lawsuit is part of a larger movement challenging the systemic enabling and covering up of misconduct and crimes in various industries. Survivors are encouraged to find their voice and seek support from organizations such as Rape Crisis and Rainn, which offer resources for those affected by sexual abuse and assault.

Stay tuned for the latest updates on this developing story as more information unfolds. The Music Nation 365 Network is committed to providing comprehensive coverage of breaking news and important issues within the music industry.

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