Shocking Allegations: Axl Rose Accused of Sexual Assault in 1989 in Recent Lawsuit

In a shocking new development, Guns N’ Roses lead singer Axl Rose finds himself entangled in a lawsuit alleging a brutal assault on a woman in a New York hotel room back in 1989. Rose vehemently denies the claims made in court documents, asserting that the incident never occurred.

Despite both Rose and the plaintiff, Sheila Kennedy, being residents of California, the alleged assault supposedly took place in New York City, prompting the lawsuit to be filed in New York Supreme Court.

According to details revealed in court papers published by Rolling Stone, Kennedy recounts meeting Rose at a New York nightclub in February 1989. After accompanying Rose, along with MTV personality Riki Rachtman and another model, back to his luxury hotel suite, Kennedy describes a night that took a disturbing turn.

Kennedy recalls her initial attraction to Rose, expressing interest in a physical relationship. However, the night descended into chaos as Rose’s behavior became increasingly aggressive and violent, potentially exacerbated by a mix of alcohol, cocaine, and prescription pills observed by Kennedy in his bathroom. Reports suggest that after assaulting the other model present, Rose turned his aggression towards Kennedy.

The legal documents detail the harrowing encounter, stating that Rose forcibly grabbed Kennedy, knocking her to the floor and dragging her across the suite. The physical ordeal left Kennedy in pain, with her knees bleeding from being dragged on the rug.

The lawsuit alleges that Rose displayed a complete disregard for consent, treating Kennedy as a mere object for his gratification without ensuring her willingness or safety. The traumatic experience has reportedly led Kennedy to suffer from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression over the years, a reality exacerbated by her persistent avoidance of environments where she may encounter Rose or his music, impacting her professional opportunities as a model.

Kennedy’s case is not the first time Rose has faced accusations of assault. Citing previous instances involving Rose, the lawsuit underlines a pattern of behavior.

Despite the passage of time since the alleged incident in 1989, Kennedy leveraged New York’s Adult Survivors Act to file her lawsuit, enabling individuals to pursue legal recourse for sexual assault even after the statute of limitations has lapsed. The impending expiration of this legislation has added urgency to Kennedy’s case.

In response to the allegations, Rose’s attorney, Alan S. Gutman, refuted the claims and questioned the timing of the lawsuit, insinuating ulterior motives behind its filing.

As the legal battle unfolds, Rose remains resolute in his denial of the accusations, expressing confidence in a favorable outcome. The complex and distressing nature of the allegations against the rock icon underscores the gravity of the situation.

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