Axl Rose Fights Back: Seeks Dismissal of 1989 Sexual Assault Case

Axl Rose, the frontman of Guns N’ Roses, is currently facing legal battles as a lawsuit was filed against him by former Penthouse model Sheila Kennedy for an alleged sexual assault that occurred in 1989. Rose’s legal team is now working to have the case thrown out of court and dismissed, denying Kennedy’s claims of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse by Rose in a New York City hotel room 35 years ago.

Instead of delving into the disturbing details of Kennedy’s allegations, you can find them in full in our previous article on the matter. However, legal documents obtained by RadarOnline reveal that Rose’s legal team argues that Kennedy’s recollection of the event contradicts past descriptions, including her own 2016 memoir where she described the alleged incident as consensual.

In her memoir, Kennedy mentioned that she wanted to be with Rose and described the encounter as consensual. Additionally, previous interviews where Kennedy mentioned that the encounter was consensual and she did not consider it rape were highlighted by Rose’s lawyers.

Despite the significant time that had elapsed between the alleged incident and the lawsuit filing, New York’s Adult Survivors Act allows survivors of sexual assault to extend the statute of limitations. Kennedy claims to suffer from PTSD-like symptoms and mental health issues as a result of the alleged assault, seeking unspecified damages for assault, battery, emotional distress, and gender-motivated violence.

On the other hand, Rose’s legal team alleges that Kennedy saw an opportunity to profit from the situation due to the re-opening of the statute of limitations, leading to a false claim against Rose to tarnish his reputation. They are seeking sanctions against Kennedy and her lawyers for their conduct in the case.

As the legal battle continues, the outcome remains uncertain, and only time will reveal the resolution of this controversial case involving Axl Rose and Sheila Kennedy.

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