Discover the Intriguing Music Taste of Ihsahn and his Wife – Check out their Recommendation: Radiohead

Ihsahn, the leader of Emperor, and Radiohead may seem like two musical entities at opposite ends of the spectrum. However, back in 2010, when Ihsahn was starting to gain recognition as a progressive artist, he explained why he saw little difference between his work and Radiohead’s creations.

“I grew up listening to albums like Iron Maiden’s ‘Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son’ and Judas Priest’s ‘Sad Wings Of Destiny,’ both of which had their own progressive elements,” he shared. “It’s fantastic that people are starting to recognize my music as progressive because I’ve always aimed to innovate and challenge the norm. The ethos of black metal was never about conformity, but rather about being a trailblazer and setting new paths.”

Expressing his admiration for Radiohead, especially Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood, Ihsahn revealed, “Radiohead began as an alternative rock band, but they’ve evolved into something truly unique and captivating. Their evolution is something I deeply respect. From ‘Creep’ to ‘Hail To The Thief,’ every Radiohead album showcases creativity and diversity.”

Ihsahn, known for his passion for studio experimentation, pointed out, “Radiohead’s willingness to explore new sounds and techniques is inspiring. Each of their albums has a distinct flavor, and their range from ‘OK Computer’ to ‘Hail To The Thief’ and ‘In Rainbows’ is remarkable.”

He further praised Thom Yorke’s solo work, citing “The Eraser” as a standout project for its unconventional and non-commercial approach. Additionally, he commended Jonny Greenwood’s musical contributions, particularly his work on the soundtrack for “There Will Be Blood,” which Ihsahn and his wife, Heidi (also known as Starofash), draw inspiration from.

Reflecting on Radiohead’s success, Ihsahn noted, “Despite being one of the biggest bands globally, Radiohead prioritizes artistic integrity over commercial or fan expectations. Their commitment to creating exceptional music for themselves reflects my own artistic philosophy.”

In a realm where creativity and innovation reign supreme, artists like Ihsahn and Radiohead continue to push boundaries and redefine the essence of progressive music. As Ihsahn aptly puts it, the pursuit of musical excellence transcends mere popularity, resonating deeply with those who strive to chart their unique sonic journey.

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